# Who are you?
I'm Brett Cannon. I'm known on the internet mostly for ...
- Being an active [Python](https://www.python.org/) [core developer](https://github.com/orgs/python/teams/python-core) [since April 2003](https://github.com/python/cpython/commit/1e91d8eb030656386ef3a07e8a516683bea85610)
- Serving on the [Python steering council](https://github.com/python/steering-council) numerous times (including the [inaugural council](https://peps.python.org/pep-8100/))
- Authoring many [Python Enhancement Proposals](https://peps.python.org/) (aka PEPs)
- Giving various [[Appearances#Interviews 🎙️|interviews]] and [[Appearances#Talks 👨🏫|talks]]
- The phrase, ["I came for the language, but stayed for the community"](https://youtu.be/L_LLYTm-QnM?si=p-KBFHKgxqgdg357&t=1006)
- One of the [[Projects]] I created or help maintain
## Do you have a headshot?
In case you want to know what I look like to spot me at a conference, need a photo for a talk or podcast interview, etc., I have a [[headshot.jpg|headshot]] that you can see/use.
## How tall are you?
198 cm.
## What do you do outside of open source in your spare time?
Programming for fun is actually a big hobby for me, whether that's learning a new programming language or doing some personal project. But other things I enjoy are things like watching movies, reading, playing games, or going for walks and casual bike rides. I have a list of [[Media I Like]] if you're interested in more specifics.
# What is the purpose of this site?
I have two key motivations for this site:
1. To help make the point that while (volunteer) open source is free for consumers, [there's a cost for producers](https://snarky.ca/setting-expectations-for-open-source-participation/) in the form of personal time (as captured by my [[About|journal]])
2. To make it easy to share notes with others
# How can I show support for your volunteer work?
If you would like to be a patron of my volunteer open source work, you can do so [via GitHub Sponsors](https://github.com/sponsors/brettcannon).
Otherwise an old-fashioned "thank you" is always appreciated (there are various ways of [[#How can I contact you?|contacting me]])! And being nice to any and all open source creators/producers is also a passive way to be thankful.
# Where else are you on the internet?
- <a rel="me" href="https://snarky.ca">Blog</a>
- <a rel="me" href="https://github.com/brettcannon/">GitHub</a>
- <a rel="me" href="https://fosstodon.org/@brettcannon">Mastodon</a>
- <a rel="me" href="https://bsky.app/profile/snarky.ca">Bluesky</a>
## How can I contact you?
If you need to reach me, the main ways are:
- [Email](mailto:
[email protected]) at my python.org email address
- DM me on [Mastodon](https://fosstodon.org/@brettcannon) or [Bluesky](https://bsky.app/profile/snarky.ca)
Unfortunately I can't make any promise that I will reply as I get lots of unsolicited questions and I only have so much time.